Brotherly Law

Always in your corner, always on your side.


How Can I Increase/Maximize My Personal Injury Claim?

37. How Can I Increase-Maximize My personal Injury Claim2Being injured due to no fault of your own produces a number of hardships. Those hardships include the physical and emotional pain that is dealt, as well as financial pain in the way of medical expenses and other costs that accumulate over time after the accident. While only time can really help with the physical and emotional damage, there is a way to deal with the financial damage.

By either attempting to settle with an insurance company before filing a lawsuit or after, you are making an effort to eliminate the financial hardship that has been done to you. At Brotherly Law, we have successfully recovered settlements and we have had to go as far as a full court trial to get our clients the money that they deserve. The best approaches are taken in order to secure the best results.

Hiring an Attorney to Represent Your Interests

In order to get the most out of your personal injury claim, the first step is to hire a Philadelphia injury law firm to represent you. Anytime an insurance company or the defendant is dealing with the victim alone, there may be bargaining insufficiencies due to lack of knowledge and experience dealing with insurance companies in these situations.

It is also possible for a person dealing with the insurance companies alone to be pressured into a settlement that is much lower than what is needed. An injury attorney, on the other hand, has the knowledge and experience with the process, the law, and the insurance companies to aggressively pursue the proper compensation.

Maximize Compensation through Investigation

The accident needs to be thoroughly investigated in order to secure the proper evidence. Your attorney will ensure this investigation takes place with the use of experts that can identify the smallest details so that it can be determined without any reasonable doubt
who was at fault
and why.

When the accident is investigated, the details that are looked at include where the accident occurred, who was involved, the cause of the accident, property damage, the extent of the injuries, environmental conditions the day of the accident, signage in the area, and what witnesses saw. The scene may also need to be reconstructed using all of the details in order to build a digital model that shows exactly what happened.

Gathering Evidence

Gathering evidence at the accident scene is important. Photos, videos, and witness statements are important. If able to do so, obtain the contact information of witnesses and the other person involved in the accident. If you are not able to gather any evidence on your own, an able-bodied passenger or someone else at the scene may be able to do this for you.

Get the Medical Attention You Need

37. How Can I Increase-Maximize My personal Injury Claim1Not only do you need to get medical attention at the scene of the accident so that any injuries can be identified and treated, but you need to continue treatment. This means going to a doctor regularly for treatment of your injuries and letting the doctor know that an injury claim will be or is being filed.

By going to the doctor when you are supposed to, documentation is produced that shows how bad your injuries are, what kind of recovery you have to deal with, and any sort of long-term care that you need. If you need a second opinion in order to strengthen your claim, you can do this as well. Many times, the extent of a person’s injuries require them to have more than one physician treating them. Ensure that all medical records are thorough and keep all of your bills so you can show your costs.

A Philadelphia Injury Law Firm Helping You maximize Your Injury Claim

When you file an injury claim, you want to recover as much money as you can to pay your expenses. The idea is for you to not have to pay out of your pocket for something that was not your fault. It is also important to maximize your compensation so that you can receive as much money as possible for the damages done to you. To learn more about what Brotherly Law can do for you, call us at (215) 545-8500 to schedule a free consultation.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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