Brotherly Law

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Types of Motorcycle Injuries

15. Types of Motorcycle Injuries1Motorcyclists are 35 times more likely to be killed in a motorcycle accident than the driver and passengers in a passenger vehicle. Motorcycle accidents also account for 11 percent of the accidents that happen in the U.S. These numbers are staggering and they are all according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

If you have lost a loved one in one of these accidents and it was due to someone else’s negligence, or you or a family member has been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, you may have a personal injury claim. At Brotherly Law, we have a Philadelphia motorcycle injury lawyer ready to evaluate the details to let you know whether or not you have a case. If you do, then you will be educated on what the next steps will be in the claims process.

Common Types of Motorcycle Accident Injuries

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that the head injury is the leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents. If a motorcyclist is not wearing a helmet, they are 15 times more likely to suffer a non-fatal injury and 40 percent more likely to suffer a deadly head injury. Helmets are said to reduce crash fatalities by 37 percent.

The following are the most common types of motorcycle accident injuries:

  • Head Injuries – Head injuries can range from mild concussions to traumatic brain injuries that seriously alter quality of life. In other words, head injuries can be very mild or they can be catastrophic. A person’s cognitive function, motor skills, eyesight, speech, hearing, and mood stability can be affected when the brain is damaged.
  • Neck and back injuries – The neck and back are very sensitive because the spinal column houses the nerves. When the back is injured, these nerves can become very irritated and that means serious pain. A common back problem is the soft tissue injury, which can be very painful. A common neck injury is whiplash. Both back injuries and whiplash may not be immediately evident after the accident.
  • 15. Types of Motorcycle Injuries2Spinal cord injuries – Spinal cord injuries can include ruptured or bulging discs, fractured vertebra, severe nerve damage, and a broken spine. Paralysis is a common result of a spinal cord injury.
  • Broken bones – Broken bones are highly common in motorcycle accidents, as the motorcyclist tends to hit the ground very hard. Broken arms, legs, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, and shoulders occur.
  • Amputation – A limb can be amputated in the accident or a medical amputation may have to be done if a limb is so seriously injured that amputating it is important to the survival of the victim.
  • Road rash – Road rash can be so serious that it requires skin grafts. This is an injury that is very similar to a burn, so it can result in serious skin infections that could be life threatening.

Any injury has the potential of developing an infection, so it is imperative to maintain good medical care. However, there are times when even the best medical care doesn’t prevent an infection. An unfortunate fact is that accident victims frequently battle their injuries in one way or another for months or even years.

Pennsylvania Helmet Laws

When Pennsylvania relaxed the helmet laws, the change resulted in a 78 percent increase in head injuries. Regardless of how strict or lax a helmet law is, it is important to wear a helmet since it can be the difference between life and death. There is also the fact that if a motorcyclist isn’t adhering to helmet laws, that could be used against them in a personal injury lawsuit.

In fact, not wearing a helmet could be evidence that the motorcyclist was negligent, although not wearing a helmet isn’t necessarily a contributor to the accident. Not wearing a helmet is a contributor to the injury.

Get the Advocacy You Deserve from a Philadelphia Motorcycle Injury Lawyer

Motorcycle injuries can take weeks, months, and years to recover. Even if you don’t feel your injuries are serious, there are still medical bills and other expenses that have resulted from the accident and those have to be paid for somehow. At Brotherly Law, we focus on holding the responsible party accountable for your expenses so you don’t have to pay those costs out of your pocket. To learn more about what we can do for you, call us today at (215) 545-8500 to schedule a free consultation.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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