A motorcycle accident may seem simple since many of them look the same. When coming upon an accident, the motorcycle is usually on its side and the rider has been thrown from the bike, the bike is on top of them, or they fell off the bike at some point between the cause of the accident and the bike coming to a stop.
The truth is that these accidents have different types and the type is very important when determining fault in an accident so that the victim can pursue meaningful compensation in the accident. At Brotherly Law, we will thoroughly investigate the cause of the accident in order to build a strong injury claim for you. It is through this claim that you can recover meaningful compensation for the monetary damages done to you.
A motorcycle accident has many faces, as the cause can determine the type of accident. The type is something that is very important when building your case. The following is a list of the different motorcycle accident types:
It is important for all parties to exercise safety on the road. Motorcyclists are aware that motorists may forget about them on the roads, but that doesn’t necessarily prevent tragedy.
Pennsylvania motorcycle laws are in place to help motorcyclists. Helmet laws are especially helpful in that they mandate at what age a person should wear a helmet. However, the law is somewhat lax and that has resulted in more head injuries in each type of motorcycle accident. The lack of a helmet can actually make a motorcycle accident case even more complicated because the insurance company can argue that a person contributed to the severity of their injuries by not wearing the proper protection.
At Brotherly Law, we have a very intimate knowledge of the laws in Pennsylvania. This knowledge and our skill allow us to negotiate with insurance companies in order to secure meaningful compensation for our clients. Regardless of the type of accident, there is one result that we strive for and that is you and your family being able to put the accident behind you as you heal.
When you hire a personal injury attorney to handle your motorcycle case, you don’t want just any attorney. Instead, you want one who has experience handling motorcycle accident cases of all types. At Brotherly Law, we have the record and experience in handling many accident types and we are able to put that experience to work for you. To learn more about your rights and options, call us at (215) 545-8500 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.
If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.