Any type of traumatic brain injury can be life altering, as the brain is what controls everything your body does. When the brain is compromised, so is how various parts of your body function. There may also be cognitive issues that come about that can interfere with everyday function.
One of the common reasons behind this diminished brain function is cerebral hypoxia. It’s not an actual traumatic brain injury in itself, but it is the term used for the total lack of oxygen to the brain. The brain damage that occurs is irreversible and it is the reason why many people have died in car accidents, drowning accidents, and any accident that causes a person to stop breathing.
If you have been involved in an accident that resulted in brain damage caused by cerebral hypoxia and someone else was at fault for that accident, you may have a personal injury claim against the person at fault. At Brotherly Law, we can evaluate your case and determine if you can file a lawsuit. If you can, you will work with a knowledgeable and skilled Philadelphia brain injury lawyer who will focus on your best interests.
The reason why brain damage occurs from the lack of oxygen is because the brain’s cells require oxygen to live. Without oxygen they start dying in as little as 4 to 6 minutes. Once the cells are gone, they can’t be recovered.
How much damage is done depends on how long the brain was deprived of oxygen. When a victim recovers, the damage may be minimal. Other times, the damage may be significant and everything from speech to motor skills can be affected. What’s more unfortunate is when the damage is so severe that a person never fully recovers.
Even when a person is seemingly normal, they may suffer hallucinations and distortions. However, there are available therapies that can help cerebral hypoxia victims recover to the point that they may experience few effects, if any. In other words, they can live a near normal life.
Any accident that causes a person to stop breathing for more than four minutes can lead to cerebral hypoxia. However, there are some common causes and they are:
When these events occur and the brain cells don’t receive oxygen, sodium makes its way to the neurons and causes them to swell. This results in further injury, thus causing neurological and psychological damage.
Because of the nature of this injury, the expenses can add up very quickly and can do so for many years. A brain injury is not something that can be treated for a few months or a year and then not require any further treatment. The victim may require rehabilitation, medications, devices needed to improve quality of life, home modifications to accommodate the disability, and much more.
The costs alone emphasize why it is important to pursue the person or persons at fault in the accident for the compensation needed to pay for all of these expenses. When suffering from a brain injury or even when you are the family member of a person who is brain damaged from cerebral hypoxia, your earning potential may be diminished and that can make it impossible to pay all of the bills. At Brotherly Law, we are here to help you get what you need to move forward in the most productive way possible.
Cerebral hypoxia is a brain event that causes serious brain damage and that can result from many types of accidents, particularly those where a person has lost oxygen to the brain for long periods of time. If you or a loved one has suffered due to cerebral hypoxia because of an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable through a personal injury lawsuit. To find out if you have a case, call Brotherly Law at (215) 545-8500 or contact us online to request a free consultation.
If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.