Brotherly Law

Always in your corner, always on your side.


Car Accident Lawyer Camden

Car Accident Lawyer Camden 1A car accident lawyer in Camden can provide you with the help you need after a car accident. If you have been in a car crash in Pennsylvania, you are one of over 120,000 people who have also been in traffic collisions this year. Driving can be dangerous, and getting into an accident is all too common. The insurance companies are experts at knowing how to combat and minimize injury claims, making it important to have an attorney on your side who will fight for your rights. If you are suffering due to your accident, get help right away.

What a Car Accident Lawyer in Camden Can Do for You

If you are one of the many people injured on the roads of Pennsylvania this year, we can help you receive the monetary damages you deserve to pay for your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, etc. We can also handle all communication with the insurance company. For many people, this is enough to make hiring a lawyer worth it. The insurance company may start to call you regularly and send you a great deal of paperwork to fill out. It can become incredibly tedious and even stressful. We can take it over, so you no longer have to deal with them directly.

Types of Accidents a Car Accident Lawyer in Camden Deals With

We help people who have are injured in all types of car accidents, including multi-care pileups, front-collisions, fender-benders, side-swipes, and even parking lot accidents. Even at slow speeds, it is possible to suffer an injury. We apply the same diligence and tactics to all our cases, ensuring that we gather the right information to build a case for negligence so the other party can be shown responsible.

Car Accident Lawyer Camden 2Something to keep in mind is that most car accident cases are not as cut and dry as they appear to be. Even if you know that the other driver was at fault, they may argue that you were to blame, in hopes that their insurance rates do not go up. It creates the need to conduct a thorough investigation and gather evidence. In cases like a multi-car pileup, gathering evidence is more critical than ever, since there could be more than one vehicle responsible for the crash. For example, car number two may be responsible for the first crash and the next three that followed. Car number six, however, may be responsible for the next five. Understanding this requires gathering information, something we do as part of the preparation process.

Hiring Representation Is Easy

When looking to file a claim, prove negligence, or receive a monetary award, you need legal help. We can provide you with the support you need, so you and your family are not taken advantage of. Remember that the insurance company will have a lawyer, and the other driver may as well. While you can certainly represent yourself, doing so will mean you are going up against them all alone when you do not have to. To speak with an attorney who fights for your rights, call Brotherly Law at 215-545-8500 or contact us HERE.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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