Brotherly Law

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Truck Accident Lawyer Camden

Truck Accident Lawyer Camden 1As a truck accident lawyer in Camden, we know how important it is to file a claim quickly. If you have been in a truck crash, you need to call a truck accident lawyer in Camden instead of a traditional personal injury lawyer. Truck accidents can be more complicated because of the need to determine who is at fault. When a driver is on the job and working for a company, they could be completely to blame due to speeding or driving recklessly. However, if the truck was not maintained and a vehicle defect caused the wreck, the company could be responsible. These are issues that must be worked out, and an experienced truck accident attorney is the best person to do so.

Common Injuries and Accident Types: How a Truck Accident Lawyer in Camden Can Help

The injuries caused by a truck accident can be devastating. Due to the size difference between a heavy truck and car, these accidents tend to result in more moderate to major injuries like internal bleeding, broken bones, head trauma, back injuries, and whiplash. Regardless of how you were injured, it is critical that you receive the medical care you need to fully recover. Working with an attorney can help you do so because an attorney can fight against the insurance company if they try to deny your request for treatment, to see a specialist, or to have a procedure or surgery.

Laws You Should Know From a Truck Accident Lawyer in Camden

Truck Accident Lawyer Camden 2Did you know that you only have a limited amount of time to file your claim? In Pennsylvania, there is a statute of limitations that says you must file a lawsuit within two years after being injured. Two years may seem like a long time, but it is not. Many people accidentally run into this statute because they are still receiving medical care and want to wait to file until they are healthy. Given the severity of injuries caused by truck accidents, it can take years for this to happen. Unfortunately, if you wait too long, you may be unable to file and therefore not qualify to receive a monetary award.

The other law you need to be aware of is comparative negligence. In Pennsylvania, you can be found all or partially to blame for the accident. Whatever percentage of blame you have will decrease how much money you get. This makes it critical that you work with an attorney who can minimize the blame associated with you.

Speak With a Truck Accident Lawyer in Camden Today

At Brotherly Law, we offer free consultations and make it as easy as possible to hire legal representation. If you are unsure of the value of your claim, whether or not you need legal help, or how to proceed in general, give us a call. This is a risk-free meeting where you can get your questions answered and begin to move forward with your case if you choose to do so. You can schedule your consultation by calling 215-545-8500 or contacting us online.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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