Brotherly Law

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Head-on Accidents

Head-On Accidents 1A head-on collision can result in serious injury or it can be fatal because of the nature of the accident. Because the front ends of two vehicles collide from opposite directions, there is typically a lot of momentum behind the vehicles. Usually, the vehicles are totaled because their frames can bend. When the frames bend, the occupants can be trapped until emergency personnel can remove them.

The details surrounding a head-on accident can be quite alarming, as there are so many fatalities that result from this type of accident. At Brotherly Law, we have seen all types of injuries from head-on collisions caused for so many reasons. That is why we want to make sure you have a qualified head-on collision accident lawyer in Philadelphia working on your side to determine what happened and who is at fault so you can seek the compensation you deserve.

Complications of Head-On Collisions in Pennsylvania

There are several events that make head-on collisions especially dangerous and complicated. The following are some of the things that complicate head-on collisions:

  • The fronts of the vehicles can hit so hard that the engine or parts under the hood can make their way into the cabin of the vehicle.
  • Because objects from under the hood can make it into the occupied part of the vehicle, the driver or passenger’s legs can become trapped.
  • The speed and force of the impact can cause a person to suffer a serious head injury from hitting the steering wheel. The airbag has also been known to cause damage to the chest and face.
  • A vehicle can become so distorted that the occupants of a vehicle may have to be removed with the Jaws of Life.
  • If occupants are not buckled in, it is possible to be ejected through the windshield.

Causes of Head-on Collisions

There are a number of common causes for head-on collisions and those common causes are:

  • Driver sleepiness and fatigue – Driver fatigue is something that affects truckers more than motorists, but it can affect any driver. Falling asleep behind the wheel causes a person to leave their lane and they can go directly into oncoming traffic. Fatigue also diminishes the reflexes.
  • Distracted driving – Distracted driving, such as cell phone usage, can cause a person to leave their lane and quickly move into oncoming traffic.
  • Head-On Accidents 2Faulty traffic signs and signals – Every driver relies heavily on traffic signals and signs, but there are times when they malfunction. If a light is out or a sign is missing, then a motorist may try and guess when it is safe to proceed only to collide in the middle of an intersection with another driver.
  • Older drivers – Older drivers are not as alert as they used to be, so there are instances where elderly drivers drive the wrong way on highways or streets. There are also cases of the elderly exiting highways on entry ramps instead of exit ramps.
  • Driving under the influence – Driving under the influence is a common cause of head-on collisions because of impaired judgment.
  • Poor road conditions – Broken guardrails, large potholes missing barriers, faded or missing line divider lines, and road debris can cause a person to veer into oncoming traffic.

The common injuries that result from head-on collisions include abrasions, lacerations, and scarring that are more like “secondary” injuries. There may be more serious injuries, such as broken facial bones from airbag or steering wheel impact, whiplash from the sudden jerking of the head, back and spine injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.

Work with an Experienced Head-on Collision Accident Lawyer in Philadelphia

Head-on collisions are among the most common types of auto accidents that occur and they can be very devastating. Head injuries, chest injuries, whiplash, broken bones, and disfigurement are just some of the injury types that can result from this type of accident. It is also a common cause for death. If you or a loved one has been injured in a head-on collision or you have lost a loved one, you may be able to hold the negligent party accountable for your monetary damages. To learn more about how Brotherly Law can help you, call (215) 545-8500 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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