Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a term that has been heard more in recent years because of the number of military veterans returning from war with the disorder. Unfortunately, this is a condition that isn’t limited to just combat veterans, as it can affect anyone who has experienced a trauma and it can be debilitating.
If you are suffering from PTSD after a car accident, you are dealing with a very serious psychological condition that can interfere with everyday function for quite some time. With the help of a PTSD injury lawyer in Philadelphia, you can recover compensation from the responsible party so you can live a normal life again. Brotherly Law has that attorney available to you so that you can aggressively pursue what you deserve.
PTSD develops after a traumatic event occurs, but it may not show up until weeks, months, or even years
later. The emotions that are caused by the traumatic experiences lead to changes in the brain and that is what results in the development of PTSD. The person will then develop some or all of the four main symptoms and they are:
These are just the most typical symptom categories that describe PTSD. There are other behaviors that are common, such as turning to alcohol and drugs to help cope. A person with PTSD may also not be able to hold a job because their cognitive function is impaired. Relationships suffer as well and that’s part of the reason for the employment issues.
In Pennsylvania, you can seek compensation for PTSD resulting from a car accident, but you do have to have solid proof that the PTSD is the result of the accident. The defense could claim that the condition existed before, but your employer, friends, family, pastor, and others can testify to the changes in you since the accident. You also want to ensure you seek the proper psychological help so you receive the proper diagnosis and so you have the medical records to back up that diagnosis. From there, it is important to continue with treatment so you can recover.
While PTSD is a very serious psychological condition, it is possible to live a normal life. It does take long-term therapy and medication to stop having flashbacks and other symptoms that interfere with everyday life. With compensation to cover those expenses, you can ensure you have the best therapy.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a very serious condition that affects quality of life in addition to the effects that a person experiences from the physical injuries sustained in an accident. The fact about PTSD is that it can last much longer than the physical injuries and requires specialized therapy to overcome. If you have been injured in an accident and you are suffering from PTSD because of that accident, Brotherly Law can help you seek all of the damages that you deserve. To learn more about your rights and options, call us at 215-545-8500 or contact us online to request a free consultation.
If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.