Car accidents can range from frustrating to devastating. The frustrating car crashes are those that are considered fender benders or those where one car gets a scratch and the other doesn’t. The devastating ones are those accidents where one or all involved vehicles suffer serious damage and one or more occupants are injured.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident that has resulted in serious injury and someone else’s negligence led to that accident, you have the right to file an injury claim against that person. With the help of a Philadelphia lawyer for car accidents, you will have a strong advocate in your corner who will work hard to secure meaningful compensation for you.
Car accidents can happen for many reasons and those reasons then lead to a specific type of car accident. There are head-on collisions, run-off-road collisions, rear-end collisions, angle or side impacts, pedestrian collisions, cyclist collisions, intersection collisions, and rollover accidents. Each one of these can lead to serious injury or death, but some may have more dire consequences than others.
Head-on collisions tend to have poor outcomes for one or both drivers due to the speed being traveled when these accidents happen. The most common cause of a head-on collision is when one vehicle moves into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Steering overcorrection and distracted driving tend to be root causes.
Rear-end collisions are common in that it involves a vehicle crashing into the back of the vehicle in front of it. Driver inattention, tailgating, sudden stops, and bad traction due to tire or road defects are common reasons why these accidents occur. Fortunately, this can be the least serious of all car accident types.
The most common scenario is when the car in front suddenly decelerates, causing the car behind to hit the front car if they were following too close. The driver who hit the front vehicle is almost always the one cited for the accident and that driver is the one more at risk from injury because of air bag deployment or impact with the steering wheel. However, a common injury sustained by those in the front car is whiplash and, if the driver behind was traveling at a high speed, all in the backseat of the front car are at risk of more serious injury.
Side collisions are common in intersections and parking lots. They happen when a car runs out in front another and the car is hit in the side by another vehicle. This puts anyone sitting inside near the sides at a high risk for injury.
Pedestrian collisions occur when a vehicle leaves the roadway and enters a pedestrian area or when a pedestrian leaves their designated walking area into vehicle traffic. Pedestrian collisions can be deadly, as the pedestrian isn’t inside a vehicle that can protect them from impact.
Cyclists have the right to ride on the shoulders of roadways or in designated bicycle lanes. If a cyclist is not breaking the law and they are hit by a driver that is, then the driver is going to be cited. Unfortunately, the injuries sustained in cyclist collisions are usually very serious.
Rollover accidents are not as common as they used to be when an excessive number of sports utility vehicles were being manufactured with narrow wheelbases. However, this type of accident hasn’t been eliminated completely because there are still manufacturing defects, defective tires, and driver error that lead to these crashes. When driver error is the contributing factor, it’s because a curve has been taken too fast, which means there will be no grounds for an injury lawsuit. If the reason is a vehicle defect, then the manufacturer and other involved parties could be held financially responsible for injuries.
When involved in a car accident of any kind, the results can be devastating. The type of car accident can influence the severity of injuries. For instance, a head-on collision or driver side collision increases the chances of a fatality versus a rear-end collision. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, you deserve quality and competent representation by your side so you can file a strong personal injury claim. To learn more, call The Brotherly Law Office at 215-545-8500 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.
If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.