Losing a loved one in a tragic car accident that was the result of someone else’s negligence makes for a very difficult time for the entire family. If your family member was the primary income earner for your household, it can be difficult to properly grieve when you are also worrying about how to pay everyday expenses and those unexpected costs that were incurred because of the accident.
At Brotherly Law, we understand that you are going through one of the most difficult experiences of your life. Because we know your pain, we are able to give you compassionate representation while aggressively pursuing the monetary compensation that you need to make ends meet. You deserve to grieve the way you need to without dealing with unnecessary burdens that can interfere with the healing process. This is why a wrongful death car accident attorney in Philadelphia will be on your case to advise you, support you, and fight for you every step of the way.
The wrongful death process starts with a claim that is usually brought by family members or the administrator of the estate. If an administrator brings the lawsuit against the negligent party, they do this on behalf of the spouse, children, or parents of the decedent. Just as the family would acquire an attorney to help them, an estate administrator would do the same.
The acquisition of a wrongful death attorney is imperative because an attorney can negotiate with the insurance company for you so that you don’t have deal with it all on your own. Your attorney will make sure your rights are protected and will work diligently to secure maximum compensation. All of this is important since insurance companies almost always try to offer less than what the damages are worth when they contact the surviving family of the deceased family member.
In order to recover the most compensation, your attorney will gather all documentation, consult with forensic economists and medical experts, and negotiate with the insurance company. All of this is done while advising you so you know what is happening with your case at all times. Although there is no amount of money that can compensate you for the emotional pain that you have experienced, we can at least help relieve the financial stress resulting from the accident.
Determining wrongful death damages isn’t an easy task, especially since it is difficult to put a monetary figure on the life of your lost loved one. Putting a correct value on your claim is another reason why you want a wrongful death attorney by your side. Your attorney will take the following into account in order to recover the correct amount:
Even if the negligent party has been criminally convicted of DWI or another crime that led to the fatal crash that resulted in the death, they can still be held responsible for the monetary damages in a wrongful death lawsuit. The same goes if they are cleared of the criminal charges. Civil and criminal matters are completely different. The party may still settle in a civil matter or there may be enough evidence in a wrongful death claim to warrant a damage award to the plaintiff.
Losing a loved one in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence is tragic. The loss is unexpected, resulting in a lot of pain, suffering, and emotional stress. There is also the financial impact in the way of medical expenses, funeral costs, and loss of support. If you have lost a loved one in a fatal car accident that was the fault of someone else, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable. At Brotherly Law, we will work hard toward the recovery of financial damages due to the wrongful death of your family member. To learn more, call us at (215) 545-8500 or contact us online to request a free consultation.
If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.