Brotherly Law

Always in your corner, always on your side.


Personal Injury Lawyer Cherry Hill

Personal Injury Lawyer Cherry Hill 1If you need help with your injury claim, call a personal injury lawyer in Cherry Hill. Getting injured can create serious challenges and decrease your ability to care for your kids, go to work, perform your normal job duties, and hang out with your friends. Most people think of a car wreck, and they consider the damage to their vehicle and the pain in their neck from whiplash. What people do not realize is how far-reaching these injuries can be. They can influence all areas of life, making it critical that you receive the medical care you need to recover. If you are one of the 80,000 Pennsylvanians injured in a car accident annually or you become injured through some other means, an attorney can be the advocate you are looking for.

The challenge is that the insurance company has staff trained to limit or minimize how much your injury claim will cost them. This is how they maintain their corporate profits. In some cases, this means restricting the type of medical care you receive or preventing procedures that can help you get better. This is why you need a lawyer on your side, protecting your rights.

A Personal Injury Lawyer in Cherry Hill Can Help Prove Negligence

Before you can qualify to receive financial damages for your injury claim, you must first prove negligence. This is the legal way of demonstrating who caused the accident or who was at fault. This is not as simple as it sounds. The other driver will likely have an insurance company with an attorney, working to try and prove that you were to blame. It is essential that evidence is presented to counteract this. Your attorney must prove that the other party was more at fault than you were. Otherwise, you will not qualify for monetary compensation.

Why Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer in Cherry Hill Is in Your Best Interest

Personal Injury Lawyer Cherry Hill 2The insurance company will work to minimize your monetary reward. With that in mind, hiring a lawyer will make it possible for you to receive a fair settlement offer or a successful outcome to a trial. As an attorney, we can also help prior to the actual trial. It is common for insurance companies to do things like total your car when you actually want to keep it or preventing you from seeing a new doctor when the one you have is not helping. As an attorney, we can advocate for your rights so you are not taken advantage of and railroaded by a system that is not naturally in your favor. Big insurance companies can put pressure on people because they have the staff and money to do so. Simultaneously, the legal system is notoriously complex and difficult to navigate without experience. When you work with a skilled attorney, this is something you do not have to worry about.

Get Started by Scheduling a Consultation

At Brotherly Law, we can become your advocate and fight for your rights. The insurance company will do what they can to minimize the damages you receive for your claim. This can be an uphill battle when going it alone. Fortunately, you do not have to. We are here to fight for your rights, and it all begins by scheduling a free consultation. You can reach us by calling 215-545-8500 or contacting us HERE.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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