Brotherly Law

Always in your corner, always on your side.


Car Accident Lawyer Cherry Hill

Car Accident Lawyer Cherry Hill 1If you are in a wreck, call a car accident lawyer in Cherry Hill. Car wrecks are all too common in Pennsylvania. There are around 219 people injured in a wreck every day, which is approximately nine injuries an hour. Given the sheer volume of accidents, the insurance companies work to minimize their losses by limiting what they pay out for accident claims. As a car accident lawyer in Cherry Hill, we can fight against the insurance company to make sure you receive a fair settlement in line with the injuries you suffered, the money you have lost from not being able to work as much, and any other damages you have endured.

A Car Accident Lawyer Cherry Hill Breaks Down Accident Statistics

According to the Department of Transportation, in 2014, there were 121,371 car accidents and 79,758 people injured in car accidents. In their report, the injuries are listed as being minor to major.

  • 24,570 injuries were unclassified
  • 40,071 were minor
  • 12,075 were moderate
  • 3,042 were major

Very often, the unclassified injuries are people who are hurt in an accident but simply live with their injury, not seeking the appropriate medical help or legal advice. The problem is that even if you try to deal with the accident and your injuries alone, you will eventually have medical bills to pay. If you do not file a claim, you will have to pay for those bills out of your own pocket, taking money away from your family. We understand that the idea of filing a lawsuit, working it out with the insurance company, and hiring a lawyer may seem daunting or unpleasant. It does not have to be. We are fighters and will work to make sure you and your family are protected and that the process goes as smoothly and easily as possible.

Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer Cherry Hill to Represent You

Car Accident Lawyer Cherry Hill 2The insurance company will have an attorney representing them, along with a staff trained to decrease the number of accident claims and the value of them. If you do not hire an attorney, you will be dealing with them on your own. Even though you pay the insurance company a monthly premium, they are not on your side and treating them as such can cost you in the long run. In this case, what you do not know can hurt you. For example, failing to prove negligence can cost you a settlement offer, or filing after the statute of limitations has expired can prevent you from filing a claim at all. As attorneys, we can make sure this does not happen. We will work to

  • Prove negligence.
  • Ensure that you are treated fairly.
  • Make sure you get appropriate medical care.

Scheduling a Consultation Is Easy

At Brotherly Law, we can provide you with a free consultation and answer all the questions you have regarding your case. You can reach us by calling 215-545-8500 or contacting us HERE.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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