Brotherly Law

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Construction Accident Lawyer Philadelphia

Construction Accident Lawyer Philadelphia1Through the years, working construction has achieved a well-earned reputation as challenging and dangerous work. In fact, here’s a stat that will make anyone considering this field take notice: throughout the course of a long career (40+ years), a construction worker has a one out of 200 chance of dying on the job!

If you or someone you care about has been injured while working on a construction site – or if you’ve lost a loved one in what you believe could be a wrongful death claim, the experienced Philadelphia construction accident lawyers at Brotherly Law may be able to help. We’ve handled many construction accident personal injury claims, as well as cases of wrongful death, and our legal team is always determined to earn fair compensation for our injured clients and their families.

Construction workers are killed on the job every day, working on new building construction, streets and highways and making repairs to buildings and infrastructure. Many are injured due to falls; other cases are more unusual. One local case in point: in 2015, one construction worker died and another was seriously injured in an electrical accident (electrocution) at the King of Prussia mall. The incident occurred when the two were cutting electric cables under the second floor of the mall, adjacent to new construction.

Causes of Philadelphia Construction Accidents

Examples of common workplace accidents include exposure to highly toxic chemicals and lead poisoning; broken legs, arms and other bones resulting from getting caught in between or under heavy objects; falling off a ladder, roof or some form of scaffolding, and injuries resulting from accidents involving cranes, bulldozers, forklifts and other large pieces of construction site machinery/equipment.

What else can cause a serious injury on a construction site? Falling objects, injuries from lifting heavy objects – especially back injuries from lifting, moving or getting hit by heavy objects. Fires, explosions and injuries from machinery like welding tools and blowtorches result in thousands of construction site injuries each year.

Electrocution due to exposed power/electric lines is one of many causes of construction site accidents. In fact, almost any kind of risk you can imagine has resulted in on-the-job construction injuries. Some are almost unavoidable accidents resulting from the high risks of the job, but many thousands of accidents each year occur due to negligence on the part of those responsible for poorly maintained construction sites. Inadequate or unsafe tools, defective or sloppily maintained machinery and weak scaffolding/support all contribute to worksite injuries and deaths.

Construction Accident Lawyer Philadelphia2Human error plays an important role too. If employers or supervisors fail to rigidly enforce safety regulations, miscommunicate with workers or allow unsafe practices to continue, they can be held responsible for accidents on the job, as can employers/supervisors who violate OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) safety standards and regulations.

Often the causes of construction site injuries are obvious – falling objects or explosions. In other cases, multiple causes – include supervisor negligence or failure to comply with workplace safety regulations – lead to serious accidents or even death. The savvy team can help investigate your claim, build your case and, if the evidence is substantial, negotiate a settlement with your employer’s insurance company that would be substantially higher than the settlement the insurance company would otherwise offer you or your injured loved one.

Injured Construction Workers, Philadelphia Accident Lawyers Fight for You!

If you aren’t offered a fair settlement based on the severity of your injuries, time lost from work, long-term loss of income and other factors, our staff of personal injury attorneys can pursue your case in court, if necessary. We’re intrepid investigators, skilled negotiators and proven litigators who will do what it takes on your behalf.

No one enjoys suing his or her company, the city/county or other construction site owner, but sometimes taking legal action is a smart option. When you reach out to Brotherly Law, our legal team will take the time to listen to the details of your accident, injuries and recovery process to determine if we believe you have a strong case. If not, we’ll tell you so—clearly and honestly. Your initial consultation is free and we take most cases on a contingency basis, which means that if our Philadelphia construction accident lawyers don’t win, you will not owe us anything. We always work hard on your behalf. Call us at (215) 545-8500 or contact us online today.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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