Brotherly Law

Always in your corner, always on your side.


Car Accident Lawyer Levittown

Car Accident Lawyer Levittown 1A car accident lawyer in Levittown can help you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries. If you have been hurt in an accident, you are not alone. In Pennsylvania, there are an average of 219 people injured in car accidents daily. These injuries can range from a few bruises to head injuries, whiplash, back pain, broken bones, sprains, internal bleeding, etc. After an accident, most people go into shock and are unaware of the full extent of their injuries. It is why you should always see a doctor, even if you think you might be okay. If you feel fine initially but are in massive pain a few days later, that is perfectly normal. The key is to seek medical attention and legal support as quickly as possible.

Steps a Car Accident Lawyer in Levittown Takes Before Trial

Once retained, a lawyer will begin to prepare for the eventuality that your case may end up going to trial. Here are a few of the steps we take to prepare.

  • We need to know exactly what happened leading up to and during your accident. This includes gaining an understanding of the road conditions, who was at the scene, what you did to avoid the accident, how the other vehicle came in contact with yours, etc. We will ask many questions, so be as thorough as possible with your answers.
  • Gather evidence. It is not enough to know what happened; we need to prove what happened. This requires gathering photographic evidence, medical records, witness testimony, weather reports, etc. If there is anything you think can benefit your case, let us know.
  • Ask questions. In addition to speaking with you, we may send a formal request to the other driver’s attorney to have them answer a set of written questions. Their responses will further help us understand what happened and build our case.
  • Build a case for negligence. We will then review all the information gathered and make a strong argument for why the other driver is negligent and to blame for the crash.
  • Before going to court, we typically suggest trying to negotiate with the insurance company. They may present an offer that is fair, and if so, there is likely no reason not to take it. If they give you a lowball offer or try to treat you unfairly, we will proceed to trial.

Car Accident Lawyer Levittown 2These steps are in addition to communicating with the insurance company on your behalf, speaking with your doctor, and filing all the necessary paperwork to move your case along in a timely fashion. By hiring an attorney, these are all steps you do not have to worry about.

Meet With a Car Accident Lawyer in Levittown for Free!

If you are one of the many Pennsylvanians who are injured in accidents every year, you need help to ensure that your rights are protected and that you are treated fairly. Do not risk representing yourself and dealing with aggressive insurance companies on your own. Instead, schedule a free initial consultation with Brotherly Law by calling 215-545-8500 or clicking HERE.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

    Describe Your Case:
