Brotherly Law

Always in your corner, always on your side.


Motorcycle Defect

Motorcycle Defect 1Motorcycles are a lot of fun to ride and a biker puts a lot of trust in the manufacturer of the machine in that there is an expectation that it will run the way it is supposed to. A person doesn’t buy a motorcycle and expect it to malfunction anytime in the near future. Motorcyclists are already at a high risk as it is for injuries because they don’t have the protection that the drivers of cars have.

Just like any mechanical product, motorcycles are susceptible to defects at any point during the manufacturing process. The defect may be widespread or it may be limited to just one part or a few. The most common points in which errors occur are design and production.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident due to a manufacturing defect, it is important that you seek out the representation of an experienced motorcycle defect lawyer in Philadelphia. With the right representation by your side, you can recover the compensation that you need to pay for the damages that you have sustained in the accident.

Common Motorcycle Defects that Lead to Accidents in Philadelphia

One of the most common motorcycle defects we see at Brotherly Law is the brake defect. If a motorcyclist suddenly loses braking power, the accident risk increases exponentially. The problem is usually traced back to defects in the brake pads.

Defective tires are also an issue in that tire blowouts cause motorcyclists to lose control. When a motorcyclist loses control, they are either going to run off of the road and become seriously injured or they are going to hit another vehicle and cause injury to someone else.

Aside from these defects, issues can creep into the fuel tanks, handlebars, and even the engines. If a defect causes a motorcyclist to do something such as skid into oncoming traffic, the accident can be deadly. Unfortunately, this proves to be very true for a lot of motorcyclists in Pennsylvania, despite the cause of the motorcycle crash.

Proving Product Liability in Motorcycle Accident Cases

In order to hold the manufacturer accountable, liability has to be proven. Evidence needs to be collected at the accident scene. The motorcycle itself is evidence of what happened in the accident. Everything from skid marks to the position the motorcycle landed in are important pieces of information.
If you are able, it is important to document as much information at the crash scene as possible, such as taking photos, asking witnesses for their information, and getting the information of any others involved in the accident. You want to be as thorough as you can. The more thorough you are, the stronger your case is going to be against the manufacturer of the defective part.

Once it is proven, a request to settle the case will be made. The manufacturer’s insurance company will come into the picture and they will be the ones that we will negotiate with. We will send them a settlement offer and they can choose to accept or reject. They will then counter-offer for a lower amount and you can choose whether or not to accept it.

Motorcycle Defect 2It is important to understand that cases involving product liability can be more complicated because there may be multiple cases of the defective part causing accidents. These can be taken care of individually, but they could be combined into a class action lawsuit if there are a lot of individuals looking for compensation for their monetary damages.

We will be able to guide you through the process. Sometimes these cases do go to trial, but the other side may decide to settle during the trial if they find that their case is weak. It can benefit them and you to move forward with a settlement as long as it’s for an amount that will cover the damages.

Competent Representation by a Motorcycle Defect Lawyer in Philadelphia

Motorcycle defects are more common than what is known. Because a motorcycle defect may be the cause of an accident rather than a motorist, there may be multiple parties responsible for allowing the defective bike or bike part make its way into the consumer’s hands. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident that was the result of a defect, you can hold all responsible parties accountable. To learn more about how Brotherly Law can help you, call 215-545-8500 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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