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Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Philadelphia 1Nursing home abuse is a serious matter and one that is gaining more attention since the population of nursing home residents is on the rise. There are issues that exist, such as underpaid nurses and other staff members, as well as nursing homes being understaffed. Any time there is something like a staffing issue; it is the nursing home resident who suffers.

Nonetheless, these are issues that shouldn’t result in the abuse of nursing home residents because abuse goes much further than neglect due to being understaffed or underpaid. At Brotherly Law, we have seen the many faces of nursing home abuse from financial abuse to physical abuse. That is why if you have had a loved one suffer at the hands of nursing home staffers, we want to help. You will work with a nursing home abuse lawyer in Philadelphia who will advocate for you and your family so that those responsible are held accountable.

Common Types of Elder Abuse

Elder abuse takes many forms in nursing homes. Below is a list of the most common types of nursing home abuse:

  • Physical abuse – This includes hitting, punching, burning, slapping, kicking, unreasonable restraint, unreasonable confinement, and withholding much needed medication.
  • Neglect – bedsores are a good indicator of neglect, as a person confined to their bed needs to be turned to avoid these pressure ulcers. Neglect is also an issue when a resident is allowed to wander unsupervised, thus causing them to fall or they leave the premises and get hurt.
  • Sexual abuse – Sadly, there have been cases where nursing home workers have sexually assaulted nursing home residents, having them engage in
    sexual activity without their consent. This can include having the resident participate in a conversation of a sexual nature when they don’t want to. Some residents are unable to give consent due to Alzheimer’s, dementia, or another illness contributing to diminished mental capacity .
  • Psychological and emotional abuse – Making the resident feel humiliated, calling them names, putting them down, blaming them for things that aren’t their fault, and shaming them are all examples of psychological and emotional abuse.
  • Malnutrition and dehydration – If a resident is not fed on a schedule or given access to water, they could become seriously malnourished and dehydrated. Malnutrition and dehydration are common causes of death in nursing homes.
  • Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Philadelphia 2Medication errors – Giving a resident the wrong medication, taking their medication from them, or simply withholding their medication in an effort to have control of them can put their lives at risk. This is a form of physical and emotional abuse.
  • Failure to seek medical care – There are times when nursing home residents need medical care outside of the nursing home. If the facility doesn’t secure that care for a resident, they can become seriously ill or die. There have been cases where a resident has serious bedsores because of neglect, so, when in need of medical care, the nursing home may try to take care of the health issue in-house to hide the signs of their neglect, thus causing the patient to become sicker.

It is very important to hold the nursing home responsible for these forms of nursing home abuse. Doing so helps you and your family, but also helps other families by possibly preventing further abuse. When the state finds out that a nursing home may be abusing residents, action may be taken. However, they may not know the abuse is happening until someone speaks up about it.

A Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Philadelphia Who Will Stand up for Your Loved Ones

It can be difficult to be in the position of realizing that a loved one has been abused in a nursing home, especially if you chose that home. It is very important to understand that what is happening inside a nursing home is not always evident when you choose it. It is when you see the signs of abuse that you truly know some things are wrong. If you have a loved one who has experienced any type of nursing home abuse, you can hold all of the responsible parties accountable by first calling Brotherly Law at (215) 545-8500 to schedule a free consultation.

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If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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