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Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Philadelphia

pedestrian accident lawyer philadelphia1We think of walking as safe, and, compared to activities like riding a motorcycle, it is. However, pedestrians still account for a sizable number of U.S. fatalities every year—4,735 in 2013, higher than in previous years, according to numbers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. So preserving the safety of our sidewalks, parks and other public spaces is essential. If you or a loved one has already been injured while walking, the Philadelphia pedestrian accident lawyers at Brotherly Law may be able to help you receive compensation for your injuries by negotiating aggressively with the insurance company of the person driving the car, truck, bus, motorcycle or vehicle that caused your injuries.

Pennsylvania has a real problem with pedestrian injuries and even deaths. In fact, while the number of pedestrian deaths is down nationwide, the rate is growing in our state, according to an article in The Morning Call, which quoted a Pennsylvania DOT spokesperson who said that they anticipated an 11 percent increase in the percentage of pedestrian deaths over the previous year, when 151 were reported.

Most of these deaths take place in urban environments, like ours—73% or 3,459 of the total pedestrian fatalities nationwide. Children and seniors over 70 are especially vulnerable, with the most accidents taking place after dark, when visibility is lower. Pedestrian deaths in vehicular accidents made up 14% of 33,561 total fatalities in 2013, though only 3 percent of all people injured, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. A pedestrian is injured every 7 minutes in traffic crashes.

A powerful takeaway from this last statistic is that pedestrians, though only a relatively small percentage of traffic crash injuries (just 3%), make up a disturbingly high percentage of fatalities (14%), all of which makes following safety precautions vital.

Sidewalk accident lawyer Philadelphia

Based on these statistics alone, its obvious that injuries sustained by pedestrians walking on sidewalks and other areas adjacent to speeding traffic can be devastating. Not only are the fatality rates high for those who are struck, but injuries are often life-changing for those who survive, including catastrophic personal injuries like traumatic brain injuries, multiple broken bones, spinal cord injuries leading to full or partial paralysis and crushed bones that result in amputations. Even after months and years of surgeries and physical therapy, pedestrians hurt in vehicular crashes frequently end up with life-long disabilities.

Here’s a bit of encouraging news for the future. City officials are at least beginning to look at the need to improve the safety of Philadelphia’s sidewalks, parks and other public spaces. And, to be fair, our city does get high marks for the quality of its sidewalks, well-marked crosswalks, plentiful traffic cameras and other safety devices and amenities. Plus, crashes involving pedestrians have dropped by 10 percent since 2007.

pedestrian accident lawyer philadelphia2However, while planners and committees praise us, other statistics tell a different story. Nationwide, as we stated above, pedestrian deaths make up 14 percent of traffic accident fatalities; in Philadelphia, they make up 32%, almost double the national average! The National Highway Safety Administration reported 37 Philadelphia fatalities in 2013 alone.

Injuries and fatalities involving pedestrians walking in approved areas continue to mount. One example which caught the public’s attention was the death of a mother and her three children while crossing Roosevelt Blvd. Another, well-publicized incident involved a 27-year-old Wharton business student, killed on the Penn University campus (on Walnut Street) while walking on a weekday morning. He was hit by car that “jumped the sidewalk” and sent him over a railing He landed in Penn Park, almost 40 feet below.

Philadelphia Attorneys Represent Pedestrian, Sidewalk Injuries

If you were injured while walking and are still fighting to recover from your accident, the Philadelphia pedestrian accident lawyers at Brotherly Law may be able to help you recover substantial compensation for your medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, time lost from work, as well as pain and suffering, from the insurance company of the party responsible for your injuries. Whether you were injured by a driver, through the negligence of a property owner, or due to the city’s failure to live up to public safety standards, our personal injury attorneys can help you build a case and receive the compensation you deserve. Your initial consultation is free and we’ll spend the time necessary to listen to he details of your case and tell you honestly whether we believe you have a strong claim. We take many cases on a contingency basis, meaning you won’t owe us any legal fees until you claim is settled. Call (215) 545-8500 or contact us online today.

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If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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