Brotherly Law

Always in your corner, always on your side.


Car Accident Lawyer Pennsylvania

Car Accident Lawyer Pennsylvania 1There are numerous ways a car accident lawyer in Pennsylvania can help you. In Pennsylvania, there are an average of 14 crashes every hour. While it would be nice if these accidents only resulted in property damage, that is simply not the case. In fact, three people are killed in a Pennsylvania crash daily. It is a sobering statistic, and as a car accident lawyer in Pennsylvania, we know first-hand how traumatic car accidents can be. If you have been injured in one, it is important that you hire an attorney who will fight for your rights.

Most people are unaware of how complicated receiving a monetary award can be. First, you need to understand Pennsylvania state laws as they apply to negligence. To qualify for damages, you need to prove that the other driver was the majority at fault or that they had primary negligence. Otherwise, you will not qualify for anything. Additionally, you have to file your claim before reaching the statute of limitations. Few are aware of these rules and regulations or how they apply to their case. An attorney, however, deals with these issues daily and can make sure the law is used to protect you, rather than to take advantage of you.

Common Types of Accidents Seen by a Car Accident Lawyer in Pennsylvania

  • Parking lot accidents
  • Fender-benders
  • Side-swipes
  • Front collisions
  • Multi-car pileups

Steps a Car Accident Lawyer in Pennsylvania Will Take to Prepare for Your Case

Hiring an attorney is only the first step. Once retained, we will immediately begin communicating with the insurance company on your behalf, so you no longer have to deal with constant requests for paperwork or pesky phone calls. We will ask you many questions in an attempt to determine what exactly happened during the accident. It is critical for proving negligence, gathering evidence, reviewing photographs, and speaking with witnesses. We may even send the other driver’s attorney a set of written questions for them to answer. When necessary, a deposition may be requested where both attorneys ask questions in person, and the answers are recorded for use in the trial.

Car Accident Lawyer Pennsylvania 2Preparing for trial takes time, but the investigative process is critical. It must include a thorough review and understanding of the medical issues involved in the case. The monetary damages you receive will be based primarily on the extent of your injuries so an attorney needs to know how they impact your daily life, how they will likely affect your future, and what it will cost for you to continue receiving medical care. To determine this, we will work closely with your doctor.

Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in Pennsylvania Is Easy and Affordable

At Brotherly Law, we realize how much our clients have been through. Getting into an accident, especially with your family, can be incredibly traumatic and even frightening. The emotional and physical ramifications of that can be difficult to deal with on your own. We can help by providing you with the representation you need so you can focus on your recovery instead of your case. You can schedule a free initial consultation by calling 215-545-8500 or contacting us online.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

    Describe Your Case:
