Brotherly Law

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Can I Get Compensation For Missed Work?

45. Can I get Compensation for Missed Work1When a person is injured due to no fault of their own, one of the challenges they face is the missed time from work and the income loss that results. If this is something that you have dealt with because of your injuries, you may be wondering whether or not you can get compensation for lost wages since they are a consequence of the accident. Being able to recover lost wages would mean having a way to get finances in order.

If you have been injured in an accident that was the fault of another negligent party, you may be able to pursue them for different types of monetary damages. At Brotherly Law, we evaluate the accident and your account of the accident in order to determine whether or not you have a case. If you have a case, then it can be determined what kind of damages you will want to recover and then your attorney can move forward with a claim.

Types of Lost Income from Work

Generally, courts have ruled that personal injury victims can receive reimbursement for their income losses while recovering from their injuries. This lost income can include the wages the accident victim would have earned if they hadn’t gotten hurt, as well as any additional compensation they would have earned on top of their regular salary.

There are two types of lost income:

  • Lost wages – The amount of money that your employer would have paid you, would be paying you, and will paying you for the work you do. This money may normally be paid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly through company check or direct deposit.
  • Lost compensation – Employment usually involves additional financial benefits, such as sick days, paid vacation, pay bonuses, bonus days, personal days, and other perks. You can include this loss of compensation in your claim for lost income.

It is important that every form of lost income is included in your claim because the adjuster for the insurance company isn’t going to tell you that you can include all forms of lost compensation from work in your claim. By including everything, you know what you are entitled to. Because insurance companies can lump lost wages and lost compensation together, it is good for you to keep track of the individual amounts to ensure they add up to the total amount.

Proof of Lost Income

In order to claim compensation for lost wages and compensation, you have to produce proof of the loss and what the exact losses are. The best way to do this is a doctor’s narrative, which is a detailed report of your injuries, including your diagnosis and prognosis. Prescribed treatment and length of time away from work must be specified.

45. Can I get Compensation for Missed Work2The doctor may include a “progressive prognosis” in his or her report in which an approximate time is given for your return to work and to your full job duties. You will need to tell your doctor that you will need a medical narrative for the lost income portion of your claim. The more detailed the narrative, the fewer questions the insurance adjuster will have.

You can also acquire a letter from your employer that shows proof of what you are paid and how much you have lost due to being out of work during your recovery. Your employer’s letter should be on a company letterhead and signed by the manager. It needs to include how many days you’ve missed work, how much you were paid, the number of hours normally worked, overtime you were working before the injury, special projects that may have resulted in more income, any promotions you were being considered for, any lost perks, and anything else relevant to your income loss.

For the self-employed, past income is evaluated to determine what potential future income may be. If a business’s finances are complicated, a forensic accountant will be needed. Your attorney can utilize any necessary resources to make sure the self-employed receive a fair shot at claiming lost compensation from missed work.

Philadelphia Attorneys Helping You Recover the Compensation You Need

When injured due to no fault of your own, it is important for you to pursue the compensation that you deserve so you can pay your expenses. The alternative is paying for costs on your own and that may be difficult if your income is affected by your injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s negligence and you wish to seek compensation for your injuries, Brotherly Law will be happy to evaluate what happened and determine if there is a case. To learn more, call us at (215) 545-8500 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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