Causes Of Truck Accidents
Trucks of all sizes present a unique set of dangers to the drivers and passengers of smaller vehicles, as the trucks are quite large and it is this size that can affect the severity of the accident. It is also the size that gives truckers an even greater reason to be aware of the dangers that their vehicles pose if they make an error.
If you or a loved one was the victim in a truck accident that was due to no fault of your own, a truck injury lawyer in Philadelphia can help you. At Brotherly Law, we have highly experienced injury attorneys ready to evaluate what happened and guide you in the right direction. It is through legal guidance that you can get results.
Truck Accidents Caused by Passenger Vehicles
While it can be easy to blame a truck driver for a truck accident, there are many instances in which passenger vehicle drivers are the causes of truck accidents. The following are common accidents caused by the drivers of cars:
- Driving in No-Zones – These are the areas behind and beside commercial trucks where the truck driver has no or very limited visibility. This means that a truck driver can change lanes and not see the motorist in these areas. This is why it is important to pass quickly or keep an adequate distance away from the truck.
- Abrupt lane changing – If a driver abruptly changes lanes in front of a truck, the truck driver may not have adequate time to stop.
- Cutting off a truck – If a truck is going to make a right turn and a motorist drives up to the right side of the truck, the car is in the path of the truck.
- Left turn at an intersection – If the left turn is made in front of an oncoming truck, then the car is directly in the path of the truck. This is usually the result of misjudging the truck’s speed.
- Improper merging – Not merging into traffic properly can cause a truck to have to brake quickly, resulting in a pile-up or hitting the car doing the merging.
- Speed – Speed being the cause of an accident goes much further than going too fast. Speed can also be a factor if a driver doesn’t slow down or speed up at the appropriate times when driving around a truck.
Commercial Truck Accident Causes
Truck drivers are highly skilled in what they do because they go through training in order to obtain their commercial driver’s license, but there are some factors that can contribute commercial truck crashes. Those factors are:
- Inadequate driver training – It has been found that some companies and driving schools push their drivers through their training quickly in order to get them on the road as soon as possible.

- Negligent trucking companies – Trucking companies may require that truck drivers meet almost impossible quotas, causing them to be too exhausted to drive safely. The schedules and expectations can be unrealistic.
- Driving while intoxicated – Unfortunately, there are some truck drivers that drink and drive, which is very dangerous. There are accidents that stem from this.
- Distracted driving – Distracted driving can include texting while driving, talking on the phone, or operating a CB radio rather than watching the road.
- Commercial vehicle defect – It is possible for a commercial vehicle to have a manufacturing defect that contributes to an accident or makes an accident worse than it has to be. In this case, the manufacturer could be held liable for damages.
- Poor truck maintenance – Poor truck maintenance is another issue that contributes to accidents. If a truck isn’t maintained properly, it can malfunction and cause a driver to lose control of the vehicle.
Truck Injury Lawyer Philadelphia
Truck accidents have many causes ranging from trucker negligence and DWI to truck defects. If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to file a personal injury claim. By having an experienced lawyer review your case and investigate the cause of the accident and who was at fault, you can have a strong claim against all parties at fault. To learn more about your rights and options, call Brotherly Law at 215-545-8500 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.