There is a truck accident somewhere in Philadelphia every single day and that means someone is usually hurt. However, not every truck accident is the result of a negligent driver, despite how it may appear at the scene of the crash. Instead, there are truck accidents that are the result of faulty truck parts or poor truck maintenance.
If you have been involved in a truck accident that was possibly the result of a truck malfunction, you could hold the responsible parties accountable. There are times that more than one party can be liable, so it is important that your truck defect lawyer in Philadelphia thoroughly evaluate and investigate the case to identify every party responsible for the crash.
At Brotherly Law, thoroughly investigating the cause is what we do because we want to make sure that all who were negligent pay for that negligence. You didn’t ask to be involved in an accident, so it is only right that you not have to pay the financial consequences. Even if your insurance covers some damages up to the policy limits, they may not cover all of them.
At Brotherly Law, the most common truck defects that we see are brake and tire malfunctions. Being that the brakes have one of the most important functions, their failure can be devastating to the driver and anyone on the road around them. Tire failure can also be devastating in that a tire blowing or losing its tread can cause the driver to lose control and veer into oncoming traffic or sideswipe another vehicle. If a driver overcorrects because of tire or brake failure, they can also become very seriously injured. This is one of the reasons why trucks roll over.
When a truck rolls over, it runs the risk of landing on other vehicles or even pedestrians. There are many individuals that can be injured in these sorts of accidents, which is why there tends to be more than one vehicle involved in truck accidents caused by brake and tire malfunctions. Engine malfunctions don’t cause quite as many accidents as the failure of these two things unless it is an issue that causes the driver to lose control of the truck.
There are a lot of details involved in truck defect accidents. First of all, there is the manufacturer of the defective part and whether or not the issue is a widespread one. We have to look at whether or not the tires or brakes have malfunctioned on other vehicles. If so, we then determine how long it has been since the problem became evident. If we are able to show that the manufacturer knew about the problem and did nothing, that detail can be included in the case.
We also look at who distributed the defective parts and who sold them. If these parties were also aware that there could have been a problem, they could also be held liable. Keep in mind, however, that part defects are not always widespread. Nonetheless, by proving exactly what happened and holding all responsible parties accountable for the cause of the accident, we are able to maximize the amount of compensation that is received for your injuries.
We also look at truck maintenance because sometimes the malfunction has nothing to do with a defect. Instead, it can be a matter of the trucking company not properly maintaining the vehicle. Sometimes vehicle maintenance is the responsibility of the driver when they are the owner of the truck. If improper maintenance caused the accident, then we can hold those who failed to maintain the vehicle responsible for their negligence.
When an accident is caused by a truck malfunction, the personal injury case is somewhat different than an accident that is due to the negligence of another driver. The truck defect lawsuit can go much deeper and involve more than one responsible party. If you have been involved in an accident because of a truck defect, it is important that you work with an attorney well-versed in product liability. To learn more about how Brotherly Law can help you, call us at 215-545-8500 or contact us online to request a free consultation.
If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.