Brotherly Law

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What to do after a Truck Accident

7. What to do after a Truck Accident1Truck accidents frequently result in serious injuries that can render a person completely unable to move until the ambulance arrives and the paramedics do the moving. However, there are times when an accident victim is able to remove themselves from the vehicle. Whether or not you can exit your vehicle after a truck accident will determine what you do at the accident scene.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, it is important that you seek the representation of a qualified truck accident injury attorney to help you navigate the complexities of obtaining compensation after the accident.

At the Accident Scene

There are some tasks that you want to complete while at the accident scene, if you can. If you are able to remove yourself from your vehicle, here is what to do after a truck accident:

  • Don’t go anywhere – Leaving the scene of an accident suggests that you may have been at fault. You may not have been at fault at all, but without you there the other party can say anything about your role in the accident. Even partial fault doesn’t eliminate the possibility of recovering compensation.
  • Check on other people – Check on the other driver and any passengers to see if they are okay. Let them know that help is on the way.
  • Call 911 – In order for everyone to receive the medical attention they need and so the police come to file a report, you have to call 911. Even if the accident is a minor fender bender, you don’t want to simply exchange information and leave because you could have an injury and not know it.
  • Get witness statements – Find out what witnesses saw, but don’t say anything to them about your stance on the accident. You also want to get their names, phone numbers, and addresses in case they need to be contacted regarding what they witnessed.
  • Obtain the information of other drivers – You will need the name, address, phone number, license plate number, car make and model, and insurance information of the other driver.
  • Take photos – Most people carry smart phones with them, so it can pay to take photos of the accident scene when you are able. If you are pinned or unable to move, then photos are not going to be a priority. If able, it can help to have a witness at the scene or a passenger from your vehicle who is okay to take photos for you.

If you can at this time, it can help to call your attorney so you can obtain the advice that you need. Your attorney can tell you what to say and what not to say following the accident. You can also receive accident-specific advice at that time.

What to do after the Accident

7. What to do after a Truck Accident2After the truck accident, you need to contact your insurance company immediately to file a claim. When you call, they are able to assign an adjuster to your claim so that work can begin on it immediately. The sooner you make the claim, the better.

If you haven’t called your attorney yet, it is important that you do that. Give your attorney as much information as possible. Even if the car accident seems like a cut and dry situation that your insurance company will take care of, you may still need your attorney to be available to ensure that you receive proper compensation.

You also want to keep all medical appointments even if you feel okay. Because injuries can show up days, weeks, or months later, being monitored by a medical professional is important in ensuring you file a solid claim.

Let a qualified Accident Attorney Help You through the Legal Process

Knowing what to do after a truck accident can help your injury claim. It is important to do as much as you are able to do without saying anything that you shouldn’t. In order to make sure you know what needs to be done, contact your attorney so that you are given the appropriate advice during a time when confusion and emotions are running high. To learn more about your rights and options call The Brotherly Law Offices at 215-545-8500 or contact us online to request a free consultation.

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If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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