Brotherly Law

Always in your corner, always on your side.


Personal Injury Lawyer Upper Darby

Personal Injury Lawyer Upper Darby 1Get help for your case from a personal injury lawyer in Upper Darby. After being injured, you need an attorney who can become your advocate and fight to protect your rights. As a personal injury lawyer in Upper Darby, that is exactly what you can expect from our law firm. Once retained, we will go to work gathering evidence to prove negligence. This is a critical component of the case, because we must demonstrate that the other party was at fault for your injuries. Pennsylvania has comparative negligence laws, so even if you were careless or partially to blame, you can still qualify for monetary damages as long as they were more responsible or negligent than you.

A Personal Injury Lawyer in Upper Darby Can Help You Receive Medical Care

The insurance company is in business to make money. They charge your premiums every month, and while that may allude to them being on your side, they really aren’t. In order to maintain corporate profits, they have to minimize how much they pay out in monetary damages every time a claim is filed. They have staff trained to do so, along with an army of lawyers. One of their tactics is to prevent people from seeing specialists or even having necessary procedures. If you are getting pushback from the insurance company or are being denied your requests for additional care, call an attorney right away.

Negotiate With the Expert Help of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Upper Darby

Personal Injury Lawyer Upper Darby 2It is possible to negotiate with the insurance company and settle outside of court. As a law firm, we can negotiate on your behalf and try to get a solid settlement offer. By creating a compelling case for why you deserve significant monetary damages, we can work toward reaching an offer that is ideal for your situation. Our experience makes us qualified to tell whether or not you are receiving a good offer or if you should reject it and go to court. The challenge with negotiating on your own is that you will be unable to tell whether the offer you receive is in-line with state standards for your type of claim. With around 80,000 Pennsylvanians injured in a car wreck every year, it is wise to make sure you are on the winning side of your claim.

Get Started Today!

You do not have to deal with the insurance company on your own. With a large, extensive staff trained to minimize the monetary damages paid out for your case, doing so can result in you receiving less than you deserve. At Brotherly Law, we become your advocate and will fight for your rights to ensure that you are not taken advantage of. You can schedule a free consultation by calling 215-545-8500 or contacting us HERE.

Request A Free Consultation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the monetary damages resulting from the accident. Fill out the form below to request a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

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